Gender discrimination: causes, effects and solutions

Gender discrimination occurs when people are treated unequally according to their gender. This problem is not based solely on gender differences, but also on how people are treated differently because of those differences. Employers who offer different working conditions and promotion opportunities for men and women violate anti-discrimination laws. Lenders that offer better pay conditions to one gender over the other also violate anti-discrimination laws. Gender discrimination is illegal and there are several laws to prevent and eliminate discriminatory practices


Gender discrimination translates into unfair treatment of a person because of their gender. This problem affects both men and women. It is evident in work situations where there are preferential treatment according to the gender of the employees, or some employee receives a lower salary or less work responsibilities due to gender bias and unfair stereotypes. Gender discrimination also exists in sports, in educational institutions and in political organizations; You can also experience when people are looking for a home or apply for a loan.


The long history of gender inequality in the United States laid the groundwork for gender discrimination and, at the same time, generated more efforts to reduce that inequality. Historically, women did not have a place in the workplace, sports and education. The residual effects of favoritism towards men and unfair treatment towards women is the main cause of gender discrimination.


There are several effects and consequences of gender discrimination, especially in employment. Gender discrimination in the workplace generates an increase in employee turnover and creates a hostile work environment. Gender discrimination also promotes harassment and possible violence in the workplace. Victims of this problem have the right to file lawsuits to recover from the damages they suffered as a result of discriminatory practices.


There are several state and federal laws that prohibit gender discrimination and offer solutions for those who behave in the workplace, as well as in educational and financial institutions. The Civil Rights Law prohibits discrimination based on gender. The Wage Equality Law promotes equality between men and women who perform the same job functions in the same work environment. Diversity and inclusion policies also serve to remedy gender discrimination by promoting gender equality.