Interim contract: advantages and disadvantages

The interim contract has advantages and disadvantages, both for the company that uses it and for the worker who, in this way, gets a position in the organization. In our country, temporary employment has reached exceptionally high levels, as shown by 27% of workers with contracts of this type in Spain. As published New Grandstand “Of a total of 19,528,000 employed, 4,507,900 are employed under some kind of temporary contract.”

One of the characteristics of the interim contract, which can be considered as one of its advantages or disadvantages, is that it is a temporary contract.t is usually formalized full time, unless an employee with a part-time contract is replaced, one with a reduced working day for child or family care or a position with this characteristic is filled.

Interim contract: Advantages and Disadvantages for the company and the worker

Young people without previous work experience to those who propose an interim contract consider it the opportunity they were looking for to enter the labour market. For someone who aspires to carve out a successful professional career within an organization whose values ​​align with theirs and to which they have been following for some time, the news can be disappointing.

A company that needs to cover a work leave sees in the interim contract the possibility of maintaining its productivity despite the circumstances. While those responsible for a business who wish to extend this type of agreement indefinitely can find that everything is inconvenient since it would be a decision outside the law.

The interim contract inspires advantages and disadvantages for the two signatory parties of the binding agreement. This does not imply that it remains a model that many public and private sector organizations use, and that, every year, thousands of people sign in our country.

To understand a little better which implies proposing an interim contract, we will review its advantages and disadvantages:

Advantages of the interim contract for the company

  • It is a way to cover a need of the company that could not be predicted, such as sick leave.
  • It is a good option to fill a position that is expected to need support for a few hours a day or over a given period.
  • It is versatile in the sense that it is not necessary for the hired person to perform exactly the same functions performed by the employee being covered.
  • It is not necessary that the remuneration of the new employee be equal to that of the worker who held that position, in fact, it is enough to respect the minimum interprofessional salary and the collective agreement since there is no obligation to pay them other extras that the employee might be receiving. employee, such as seniority, for example.

Advantages of the interim contract for the new employee

  • Be able to get to know the organization closely and make its way into a new industry.
  • Expand your network of professional contacts.
  • Add one more experience to your resume.
  • Receive the salary agreed during the duration of the contract and contribute to Social Security for the same period.
  • Enjoy the extra benefits that the contracting company offers to its workforce, if applicable.

It is the kindest face of the interim contract, its advantages. The disadvantages also exist in this modality of agreement and, for the most part, are related to the duration of the agreement that, for the employee, it may be short and find it difficult to remain in the company longer if it is his desire; and for the organization, they have to do with the investment in training that may be necessary and may not be profitable or in the obligation to transform the contract model for another indefinite one if it is desired to continue counting on the services of the new employee.