Personnel recruitment process in a company

The recruitment and hiring process is the means by which companies find workers. Recruitment occurs at different times in the life of a company, although with greater intensity when a new business is started or when the expansion or new directions in an existing business are committed. The process begins with extensive planning that happens behind closed doors and continues until recruitment, interviews and personnel selection. There are a handful of options for small businesses that participate in the hiring and staffing process.

The initial phases

The recruitment and hiring process begins with thorough planning. Before starting hiring and hiring workers, a company must identify its employee needs, including the type and number of employees it wants and can pay. The types of employees include real positions – IT, legal desk, front – as well as the desired education, experience, employment history and demographic age. Working with its employee budget, a company decides how many workers it can hire based on salary market averages and considerations such as full-time versus part-time employees, benefit packages and experienced vs. inexperienced employees.

Recruitment sources

The identification and use of recruitment channels begin after a company creates a basic framework in terms of employee desire, needs and budget. There are large numbers of recruitment channels, including abroad, Internet job boards, internal reorganization, employee recommendations, campus recruitment campaigns and online tools such as social networking sites, blogs and Craigslist. According to the authors of “Management: Current Practices and New Directions,” social networking sites offer increasingly important recruitment tools, while traditional recruitment methods such as press announcements and job fairs are less effective. In the digital world.

Debugging processes and personnel selection

The personnel examination and selection process includes the final phase of the recruitment and staffing process. This phase consists of the review of curricula, interviews, meetings with the candidates and the comparison of the qualities and skills of the personnel investigated with those identified as desirable in the initial phases of the process. Once a company identifies the best employees among the recruited individuals, people in this group are hired based on two factors, the available budget and the ultimate needs of the company and the working and compensation conditions required by potential employees.

The options for small businesses

Recruitment and hiring of staff are especially important for small businesses. The success of a limited income company often depends on the performance of the staff. Hiring the right staff can mean success and expansion, while hiring the inappropriate staff puts a business back to the starting point. There are several recruitment and staffing agencies, including temporary employment agencies, that identify temporary employees and potential employees to move from temporary to permanent, and standardized recruitment and employment agencies. The standard agencies carry out the hiring of personnel and the staffing processes for a business, from the initial planning to the final hiring. International personnel agencies offer the option of foreign labor sources, although this rarely serves a practical purpose for a small business. Other alternative options include the purchase of a computer recruiting and hiring program, which business owners can use instead of a hiring agency, and the hiring of human resources personnel to carry out this function.