What is the meaning of micromanagement

What is Micromanagement

Each organization and management personality requires a different set of tactics to motivate and supervise employees. Many management theories prefer that bosses allow their workers the support and structure necessary to produce their work autonomously. The supporters of these management schools prevent micro-management, the habit of some bosses from unnecessarily interfering with the activities of their workers. If the management functions cross the line and become micromanagement, it is something that usually depends on the needs and the person with whom a manager works.

Micro management in practice

In the broadest sense, micromanagement is the practice of management staff to pay strict attention to small details of a job, rather than allowing staff to complete their tasks as they see well and manage the results of their work. Often, micromanagement sets standards and practices for staff based on the personal preferences of the boss, rather than for the sake of the employee or the corporation itself. Micro-management is usually associated with a dictatorial management style, in which the ideas of the employees are not taken into consideration and almost all aspects of the position are controlled by the decisions of a boss.

Micromanage Definition

Micromanage is to control every part of a situation, project, etc., even including the small details, in a way that may not be necessary and may not give enough responsibility to other employees.

Impact on morale and causes of micro-management

Micro-management usually leads to moral problems among staff. Many employees feel that a micromanagement manager does not respect their skills or their judgment, while other staff members resent the lack of autonomy that comes with an authoritarian boss. Management experts cite several reasons that bosses turn to for micro-management tactics, including a lack of confidence in staff skills, a boss who feels he could perform the work of his staff better than them or a lack of understanding that the ideal role of a boss in an organization is to motivate workers, not to produce traditional work.

Micromanagement Examples

Micro-management takes many forms and depends on the specifications of the work environment. It can be as simple as asking workers to keep their workspace and tools organized by a system dictated by a boss or as fundamental as a boss who constantly monitors employees and instructs them on how to perform each step on a major task. Many employees refer to micromanagement as the action of “meddling” or “mastering” the workers of a supervisor.

Case of Micromanagement

Some management experts cite the growth of supervisors who do not get into something problematic for organizational structures and urge supervisors to devote more time to micro-managing their employees. Instead of dictating processes in a task, however, managers should focus on giving workers weekly feedback on the five pillars of management: dictating expectations, measuring goals, evaluations of employee performance, feedback on the performance of the employee and an equitable system of rewards for executors. Instead of focusing on performance details at a micro level, managers should focus on small and continuous evaluations of worker performance.