Administrative Communication and its importance in Companies

It is important to know that for companies to function effectively, it is necessary for information to flow quickly, just as it is also necessary to define the type of information that the manager needs, depending on the situation that is developing. In this sense, there is administrative communication, defined as the two-way process where information is exchanged between the departments that make up an institution.

Some objectives of administrative communication are:

  • Develop long-term goals
  • Get the collaborator to know and understand what is being reported.
  • That the collaborator executes his work efficiently
  • That there is cooperation between the collaborators of the company to fulfill their duties.

The administrative communication can be classified into:

  • Internal communication: It is one that is generated between the members of the same institution or company. For example: an executive committee, a work order.
  • External communication: It originates between one or more members of a company and people who do not belong to it. For example: a request letter to the supplier, interview with the client, a request letter to the government.

Depending on the situation in which the company is, various forms of administrative communication may be presented, these may be:

  • Person-to-person communication
  • Communication from person to group of people
  • Group to group communication

In this sense, the means used to achieve effective administrative communication can be divided into three groups:

  • Written communication: Among the most used are the letter, circulars, memos, newsletters, manuals, newspapers, company information magazines, boards. In all cases, written communication has more difficulties than oral communication, because an author of a communication like this does not know to what degree they are being understood and cannot support himself with gestures and gestures.
  • Oral communication: They can be subdivided into two classes: Face-to-face communication, which involves the simultaneous presence of two or more people in an agreed place, such as talks, meetings, interviews; and communication supported by a mechanical or electrical device, such as the telephone, loudspeakers, and recordings.
  • Communication by signals: They can be audible (made with whistles or bells), visible (made with images) and audiovisual (such as movies or closed circuit television, where words or images can be projected).

The administrative communication is important for any operation performed several people within an organization to be successful, as long as you have a good understanding and information flow between different departments is reliable.