Examples of Company Regulations

A regulation is a set of rules, obligations and prohibitions through which the development of one or more people in a given place is regulated. Therefore, the regulation of a company is the one that regulates, through a series of rules, the behavior and interaction of the workers of a company.

The internal regulations of a company are essential for the good administration of the human resources of any organization, regardless of its size. This tool should be considered as the starting point of an employment relationship, in fact, the worker should receive and sign a copy at the time of entering the company, as proof that they know the basic rules for the correct development of the relationship between both parties.

The internal rules of a company establish the parameters within which the worker must behave, which allows the resolution of conflicts and is a mechanism to implement sanctions if necessary.

What should the regulations of a company include?

The internal regulations of a company must be designed according to the characteristics or nature of each organization. There are multiple points to include and its correct preparation is essential for its application to be effective. The draft regulation must be reviewed and discussed with the management and with the workers to finally be approved by the Ministry of Labor, although this depends on the legislation of each country.

Normally, the internal rules of a company govern basic aspects such as:

  • Time and attendance rules for work.
  • Regulation of weekly breaks.
  • Rights and obligations of the employer and the employee.
  • Disciplinary measures.
  • Rules regarding the maintenance of the company and its assets.
  • Standards of conduct and behavior between employers and workers.

Types of internal regulations of a company

Companies, especially larger ones, have different departments or areas and all of them should have their own regulations. For example:

  • Sales regulation.
  • Production regulation.
  • Regulation of the financial area.
  • Human resources regulation

The most advisable thing is to first develop a general regulation that serves as the basis for the regulations of each department.

Examples of articles and internal rules of a company

Here are some examples or models of articles that are regularly included in company regulations:

ARTICLE 1: Every worker who enters has the obligation to know the content of this Regulation, for this reason they will be provided with a copy of it, the receipt of which must be verified by signature.

ARTICLE 2: Upon entry, the new worker will receive instructions on the schedule, responsibilities and inherent obligations of their position and work shifts.

ARTICLE 3: All the rights of the workers will be regulated by the laws in force in the country.

ARTICLE 4: The most important obligations of the worker are:

  1. Carry out your activities honestly and effectively, in accordance with your job responsibilities and the instructions you receive from your superior.
  2. Comply with the rules and obligations.
  3. Inform your superiors if you consider it necessary to modify or improve the security of your job.
  4. Remain in their workplace during the stipulated hours, dedicating the established hours to the attention of the activities that have been assigned, not being able to leave their position without the prior authorization of the immediate boss.

ARTICLE 5: The main obligations of the company are:

  1. Comply with and enforce the standards set forth in these Internal Work Regulations.
  2. Comply with their responsibilities for staff remuneration, respecting current laws and collective agreements.
  3. Comply with and enforce all occupational health and safety regulations, constantly ensuring the health and well-being of the workers and the safety of the facilities.

ARTICLE 6: The Company undertakes to promote mutual respect and cordiality among all workers at the different hierarchical levels of the organization.

ARTICLE 7: If the worker wishes to present a claim or complaint, he may do so whenever he deems it necessary, verbally or in writing.

These are just a few examples that you can use as a guide when writing internal rules for your own business. Remember that, in general, the laws that regulate the relations between workers and employers of a country, establish the obligatory nature of the drafting of the regulations of a company. Many times this requirement is related to the number of workers the organization has.