How to access divorce files

Divorce records, like many other information records, are public records. In the United States, as in many other countries, it is common for someone to seek access to these records.

According to, there are a number of reasons someone wants access to divorce records, including a name change, wanting to remarry, for a property transfer, brokerage request, or for tax purposes. about rent.

Since divorce filing records are considered public information, they can be obtained free of charge in the United States, Mexico, and other countries.

Public records are open and free, so registration documents and court records such as marriage, birth, divorce or death can be obtained free of charge.

In Mexico, for example, the Federal Judicial Council or CJF, makes its online portal available to the public through which it is possible to access the records by judicial circuits and in turn by Courts and Tribunals, which in good Some have digital document repositories.

Having access to a complete divorce record, allows you to know details such as:

  • Full names of the couple
  • Place and dates of birth
  • The State and County where you were married
  • State and County where they divorced
  • Official date of divorce
  • Stated grounds for divorce
  • Judgment issued by the court or judge of rigor
  • Child Custody
  • Alimony Data
  • Details of the distribution of properties.

With the right search and for some counties, you can even print a copy of the divorce papers online. Let’s review the short steps you can take to access a divorce file.

How to check a divorce file online?

With some time and information, most divorce records can be accessed without a problem.

You must have some basic information about the divorced persons such as the full name of both, you will need to know the state and county in which the divorce took place, and the date. This information will be requested when you request the records.

According to, divorces are processed under the jurisdiction of the State Courts, you can contact the Department of Domestic Relations or the Family Court of the State or County where the divorce took place.

Contact the court or Records Office in the county where the divorce took place. Some states keep records for the entire state circuit and can be accessed through the Vital Records Department.

Some states only keep the divorce files of the specific County and you have to go to the section of the Vital Records in the specific or county or the corresponding court.

Complete the documentation required for the purposes of the application. Most states and counties require a record request to be completed. This petition normally consists of the applicant’s name, address and identification which must be signed and dated when made.

Give the documentation with the required “rates” to the employee, or return them by email if so indicated. The fees are normally a small amount and cover the cost of searching and printing or copying the divorce file documents.

Pick up the documentation or wait for it to be returned to you by mail. Most Courts have a waiting period of at least two weeks before any documents can be made available, so it may take a little longer to receive your documents.

Review the information in the divorce file to make sure you received the correct documentation. Check that the names, data and court are correct and verify that the documents are the ones you requested.

If you notice any detail in the data, contact the court or the records section that appears in your documentation. They will usually be happy to help you.

If the Domestic Relations Court or Records Department has a website, most Court websites have “document repositories” listed on their site, usually attached to local Court rules.

Sites like or, allow you to access categorized public records online by selecting a state, county, city, or entering a ZIP code of the areas to search. In the case of you can hopefully access divorce records for certain locations for free.