How to calculate your net compensation from your gross compensation

The gross and net remuneration are two financial terms that allow you to understand how much money.

The gross remuneration is the amount of money your employer pays you while net remuneration is the amount of money you receive from then apply the corresponding deductions.

In this sense, calculating your gross and net compensation is important if you find yourself, for example, negotiating your salary or planning your personal budget. In this post I will show you how to do that calculation; But first, let’s start by explaining some basic terms.

Gross remuneration

The salary or gross compensation is the sum total of all the components of your salary package. Basically, it is the salary without deductions like income tax, health insurance, etc. The gross salary is mentioned in the company’s offer letter in the salary section, which mainly lists all the components of the pay package. The sum of all those individual components on an annual or monthly basis is the gross salary.

Importance of gross salary

In business, gross pay plays an important role for both the company and the employee. Depending on the job description, responsibilities, area of ​​expertise, years of experience, etc., companies define gross salaries for a particular role or workgroup.

This allows companies to have a framework or structure, since salaries are a cost to a company. For employees or those seeking employment, gross salary provides an industry benchmark for a particular role or job profile. The gross salary is very important, since it is basically the compensation that the worker receives for their skills.

Net remuneration

On the other hand, the compensation or net salary is the amount of your salary that remains in hand after applying all the corresponding deductions. Deductions that can be applied to gross pay to arrive at net pay include, but are not limited to, the following:

  • Federal taxes.
  • State and local income taxes
  • Social security tax
  • Health insurance deductions.
  • Flexible Spending Account Deductions
  • Pension deductions
  • Repayment of loans or advances of the company.
  • Donations

How to calculate the net amount of my gross compensation?

  1. Write down your gross compensation, which you should find on your pay stub.
  2. Write down all your deductions. As I mentioned earlier, these include items like national and provincial income taxes, health insurance premiums, and contributions to retirement plans.
  3. Add your deductions.
  4. Subtract the total deductions from your gross pay to determine your net pay. For example, if your gross monthly compensation is $ 3,000, and you have $ 1,200 in deductions, subtract $ 1,200 from $ 3,000 and you will get a net compensation of $ 1,800.