Organizational Climate (definition, effects, characteristics)

The organizational climate is the labor and personal relationship that is carried out in every workplace. Depending on whether it is developed in a company or in an institution, it will be possible to measure or evaluate the performance it has, the achievement of its objectives and its quality in goods or services.

If the labor relations between employees, managers and other managers within the company are the best, it can be determined that the organizational climate has a high level of satisfaction to obtain a job of the best quality recognized by users by the competition.

Achieving and maintaining this type of relationship in a positive and productive way, leads to success to any company, therefore, it is important that the motivation, cordiality, valorization and good relationship between all workers is maintained so that the company has a good performance based on the proposed work objectives and projects.

It may be the case that, due to some managerial, communication or employee differences, a negative climate arises, which ultimately affects the relationship and the quality of work directly.

Effects of the organizational climate

This quality can be affected in a positive or negative way, this will depend on the mode of interaction that develops between the participants of the company. This condition involves the level of security or insecurity to express the different concerns or also the respect or disrespect that arises in the communication of employees.

The analysis of this feeling, may come to consider some aspects of the company such as those mentioned below:

Physical environment

It includes the entire space of the facilities, the color of the walls, the level of pollution, work equipment and temperature, among others.

Social environment

It refers to behavior among workers, communication and possible conflicts that may arise between employees or departments.

Structural characteristics

These characteristics highlight the size of the company, the directional design and its structure in general.

Personal characteristics

They focus on the attitudes and skills, expectations, incentives and motivations of each employee.

Organizational behavior

It is composed of several factors such as production, rotation, tension level, absenteeism, job satisfaction, etc.

Characteristics of the organizational climate

The organizational climate can be characterized by the content of fundamental dimensions for good analysis and restructuring when necessary. These characteristics can be classified as follows:

Physical space

It is the space where the infrastructure is located where the work of the company is executed.


This is the organizational chart where the organization of all workers in the organization is carried out with respect to their obligations and working hours.


It is very important to maintain good communication and exchange adequate information so that there is a favorable development of all the activities carried out within the company, if not, problems can be generated that can negatively affect the work of employees.

Communication provides good dialogue, trust, productive suggestions and exchange of opinions that help foster cordial and diplomatic relations between internal and external agents of the organization.


This is the best way to stimulate the participants of the company and to encourage personal and business development.


Those who have the responsibility of running a department, have to demonstrate their responsibility, commitment and their abilities to stimulate their work group so that they are encouraged to perform their work much better.


Motivation and well-being are part of the culture of a company, it has a duty to project it in its work team through various strategies offering comfortable work spaces, provide special productivity bonuses, stimulate competitiveness and respect the days of rest, among others.

Elements of the organizational climate

Among the most important elements are:

  • It refers to the various characteristics of the work environment, which are perceived directly or indirectly by employees who work in that environment.
  • This climate tends to impact within the work behavior.
  • It is a variable that intervenes as a mediator between the various factors of this system and in personal behavior.
  • They have the ability to form an interdependent system of high dynamic level, through organizational structures and characteristics and the people who form it.
  • It can intervene as a mediator between the factors of the organizational system, as well as in the motivational tendencies of behavior that cause satisfaction and productivity to the organization.

Organizational Climate Factors

Within a company you can find different factors such as the following:


It refers to commitment, punctuality, productivity and the ability to make decisions.


It belongs to what workers think about the appropriate reward received for work well done.


This is what employees express in the presence of a good working environment, where the help is expressed both by the management and by the employees.


It belongs to the performance shown by the participants, in relation to any challenge that is presented at the labor level, therefore the company promotes risk measures in order to achieve the objectives that have been proposed.


It refers to the emphasis that the company imposes with respect to performance standards.


It is the level of feeling of all those who participate within the organization, to accept any discrepancy and not show fear of the problems that must be faced and resolved at the time they manifest.


It is due to the sense of belonging that the company has, so it is a very important factor and of great value for the work team internally, since it is the objectives that are shared at a personal level together with those of the company.