What are the social security payment days?

If you are on sick leave for any reason, you will be interested in knowing what the social security payment days are. In this post we will solve your doubts! We will analyze the different types of sick leave contemplated by social security and the main characteristics of each one, with a focus on pay days.

Payment of Social Security according to types of sick leave

In sick leave, we differentiate between those caused by work-related causes ( professional contingencies ) and those that occur naturally ( common contingencies ). The main types of sick leave are:

  • Maternity leave: can be requested 10 weeks before delivery. In this cancellation, 100% of the regulatory base is charged.
  • Sick leave due to common illness: covers all types of illnesses that have not been caused by the job and includes sick leave due to anxiety and depression. Until the twentieth day, 60% of the regulatory base is charged and from there 75%.
  • Sick leave due to an accident at work: originates from an accident that takes place in the workplace performing normal activity and 75% of the regulatory base is charged.
  • Sick leave due to occupational disease: in this case, it refers to a disease that originates as a result of the conditions of the job. The mutual recognizes a series of diseases that are considered occupational and the requirements that must be met. In the same way as in the previous one, 75% of the contribution base is charged.

It is common to confuse sick leave due to an accident at work with sick leave due to work-related illness, since both arise from the performance of the designated position. But one is caused by a specific accident while another is caused by continuous exposure to harmful elements and to the physical, biological and social characteristics of individuals. Regardless of the type of sick leave in question, in this post you have all the indications to know how you can request your sick leave.

How to request paid sick leave

Depending on the characteristics of the worker, the application method varies, although it does not affect the days of payment of social security:

  • If you are an employee, you must submit the request for the subsidy for temporary disability at the National Institute of Social Security or at the corresponding mutual insurance company. Together with the application, the sick leave report and confirmation from a social security doctor must be submitted.
  • If you are self-employed or self-employed, you must submit the application at a Social Security Service and Information Center or at the mutual insurance company. You must jointly submit the signed subsidy application, the DNI, proof of payment of social security fees, the medical reports of cancellation and confirmation and a statement of the status of the activity.
  • If you are a domestic employee, you must submit the application at the National Institute of Social Security or at the mutual. It must be accompanied by the DNI, the sick leave medical reports, the sick leave confirmation and the employer’s certificate.

What are the Social Security payment days?

Regardless of the type of sick leave, the day Social Security pays sick leave is the last business day of each month. In case of being a holiday, it becomes the immediately previous one. On the other hand, the day on which this income is reflected in the bank account will depend on each bank. This transfer is processed in the first days of the following month. As a result of this difference between banks, some confusion can be generated about the days of payment of social security, although it is the same in all situations.

The maximum period during which a sick leave can be charged

The maximum period during which sick leave can be charged depends on the type of incapacity and the level to which it prevents the worker from carrying out their activity. Depending on the type of leave, different maximum periods are established for its collection:

  • 16 weeks for maternity leave.
  • 545 days for sick leave due to temporary disability : 365 days and an additional 180 days for extension.
  • One year if the worker is under observation: 6 months that can be extended for another 6 if the doctor deems it necessary.

Reasons for which the right to leave can be lost

There are a number of reasons that can cause you to stop receiving the amount of sick leave. These are:

  • Finish the deadline
  • Receive medical discharge.
  • Retirement: In this case, you will be interested in knowing how to apply for retirement and when the extra summer pay is collected.
  • Failure to appear for medicalx check-ups: which are carried out periodically to monitor the worker’s condition and its evolution.
  • Passing away.

Now that we know what day the Social Security pays the sick leave and the characteristics of each type of sick leave, it only remains to point out how this charge can affect the income tax return. If you have received a sick leave benefit from the National Social Security Institute or the mutual insurance company and its amount is greater than 1,500 euros, it will be taken into account as a second payer. This implies that the exempt minimum to present the declaration is reduced from 22,000 euros per year to 14,000 euros.