What does it take to obtain a street vendor license?

A street worker is a person campaigning on the street, promoter or street vendor who goes from house to house or from street to street selling goods or merchandise that he carries with him. But before you assemble your product basket or put on your jacket of special products, you need to obtain your license. It is a permit that allows you to do business on the street. Most states have similar document requirements for licensing, but some states have additional requirements.

Deposit Contract Requirements

Before filling out a street vendor license application, you should contact the city licensing office to find out if a bail contract is required. Some states require establishing a small bail contract for you and any other person who works for you. You can request a bond in person at any bail bond company for US $ 5,000 or apply for it through the bail bonds company’s website.

Personal documentation

Most states require you to submit several documents when applying for your license. It may be a good idea to contact the city’s licensing office to find out what these are. General orders require a copy of your criminal record, a bail contract and proof of identification.

Application and fees

Contact your city’s licensing department to request your street vendor license. Some cities allow you to apply for a license online or allow you to print an application online, but most require you to apply in person. Keep in mind that the licensing office will require an annual fee, which may vary from state to state, but is quite cheap, with less than US $ 100 in some states.

Identification card

A state may also require you to carry a special street vendor identification card. Take two passport-sized photos with you to the licensing office when you apply. If you plan to have someone to help you with sales, that person also needs documentation and you have to take photos for identification too. Expect to have to pay a small fee for the identification card.