Right to Education – Information, importance, characteristics

We explain what the right to education is, its essential characteristics and the role of the State. Also, education in Mexico. What is the right to education? The right to education is a fundamental human right, recognized in international conventions. It consists of having access to a free and compulsory primary education for every citizen, … Read more

Research Report – Concept, characteristics and examples

We explain what a research report is, the elements that compose it, the characteristics of each one and various examples. What is a research report? A report of investigation it is a type of academic or professional document that accounts for the findings and results obtained during a research project of any nature. Generally, these … Read more

What is Schedule – Examples and Methods

We explain what the schedules are, why they are useful and what they are used for. In addition, examples and methods to prepare them. What is a schedule? A schedule or a timetable, as a basic time-management tool, consists of a list of times at which possible tasks, events, or actions are intended to take … Read more

The 4 Pillars of Education

We explain what are the pillars of education, its creator and what it means to learn to know, do, be and live with others. Pillars of education The four pillars of the education They are the four foundations that support the educational act as one of the most important of the society. Were established by … Read more

Educational Model – What is it, concept, characteristics and premises

We explain what an educational model is, its characteristics, the premises that structure it and the types that exist. What is an educational model? The educational model, teaching model or pedagogical model is understood as the different types of structured plans based on transmitting knowledge to the younger generations, always aiming at obtaining better results, … Read more

School Regulations – Concept, characteristics and examples

We explain what a school regulation is, its importance in institutions, main characteristics and various examples. What is a school regulation? A school regulation Is the set of rules, instructions and prohibitions that regulate life within an institution educational, especially those aimed at children or young people. Like everything regulation, its fundamental objective is to … Read more

Teaching and Learning Resources – Types and examples

We explain what are the teaching resources, what are their functions, types and examples. Also, why are they so important. What are teaching resources? Teaching resources, teaching materials or teaching aids are any type of material or technological support that facilitates or propitiates the process of teaching and learning. They are usually used by educators … Read more