Development of human capital in organizations

The human capital can be described generally as the set of real and potential talent available to an organization and its relationship with organizational learning aspect that plays an important role in decision-making of many leaders in planning strategic objectives. The collective character that knowledge takes on when the organization encourages the development of people will be analyzed, since the knowledge acquired does not remain with people individually or in the organization itself, but even transcends society.

This focus on human capital in the current organization gives greater content and therefore surpasses the traditional model of personnel management. In this new scheme, the worker becomes a generator of energy and personal and organizational efficiency. It is important to note that the elements, human capital and motivation, must always be considered in a much broader framework, in which the rest of the organizational procedures and systems, such as the selection of personnel, compensation, evaluation systems and of course development programs are articulated to generate organizational synergy.

It is clear that talented people thrive in an environment where their work challenges them and offers them the opportunity to advance, rather than feeling compelled to stay in a certain job just because of the income it represents.

A good organization must be able, through suitable personnel, to determine what the training needs of employees are, in order to design the plans and programs that satisfy them, taking into account the necessary material and human aspects.

There are multiple strategies that can be implemented in an organization or that people can adopt for the benefit of their personal and professional growth, the learning style can provide information on specific techniques and tools that can be used. Currently in the workplace, the analysis of competencies is being used for several programs related to personnel administration, thus, we see how for the recruitment and selection of personnel, the job analysis is based on competencies, that is, the descriptions go Beyond a mere statement of job requirements, these are broken down into specific, observable and measurable skills and attitudes that allow more effective decision-making. Similarly, when evaluating performance.

Labor competencies have been defined in different ways, here those proposals that break down talent into competencies will be considered in order to be able to evaluate them.

The term competence generally refers to a real and demonstrated ability that is linked to experience and is also linked to the possibility of modification; The determination of the increase or modification of existing competencies in the organization usually arises from a comparison between current and desired performance, the resulting difference is that which can be modified through training.

The methods of advising in the organization, for the development of talent, such as coaching and mentoring , as well as other strategies also oriented to development, but carried out outside the organization, should also be considered. Normally it is associated to the areas of staff development with waste of resources in terms of training, however, there are also proposals that, with specific data, refute such a position.

The evaluation of this process must be carried out with precise and objective techniques that provide data, that give peace of mind and credibility to the leaders, that facilitate decision-making regarding human talent and that vindicate the process in such a way as to train staff, be an enthusiastic goal for leaders in any field. The purpose of the training evaluation is to verify if the planned was accomplished; if the objectives, the expectations of participants and organization, were achieved; if the investment was worth it and if the knowledge acquired is applicable, among other aspects.

For many years, the evaluation of development programs has been mentioned as an important part of the process, however, it is difficult to find specific procedures in most organizations, most of the time the evaluation is limited to the application of a survey at the end of the courses, which constitutes only part of the measurement, the reaction, in other places, some follow-up process is carried out, surveying the participants about what they learned months or weeks before, however, few are organizations that have established systems to measure return on investment or impact on the organization.

The end of the human capital process does not end with reaching altitude, but staying. In this sense, organizations must resort to continuing education as a system that allows them to update their human resources.

Today, companies are giving significant value to the relationship of employees with the market, it is evident with business reorganizations where there has been a shift in the hierarchical pyramid giving importance to the people who are in contact with the customer who is truly the backbone of the business.

For decades, managers have been faced with the challenge of organizing their workforce as effectively as possible. In developed economies, the injection of greater numbers of workers and capital has reached the point of diminishing returns. Now value is created by productivity gains that come from workforce innovation and more sophisticated human resource management. But this transition is complicated by the changing nature of work, the increasing cost and complexity of managing the workforce.