How to analyze Logos

While a logo may be small, its impact on the success of a business can be substantial. A logo gives a first impression that helps determine the consumer’s willingness to buy products or services. You only have a few seconds for a logo to capture the attention of the consumer, so a good design is essential. Although there are no standard rules, a series of important elements can be considered to analyze the effectiveness of a logo.

Check the culture of the company. A business with a calm, relaxed image should have a logo that matches. For example, a spa would go better with a simple, clean logo, without complicated designs or patterns.

Consider the size and shape of the image. Very high or very wide logos are not as visually attractive as those more proportioned varieties.

Look at the logo side by side with the logos of the competition, or symbols that sell similar products and / or services. A logo should create an immediate impact and should stand out from the clutter of other ads or logos.

Consider the reproducibility of a logo. A good one will fulfill with the same facility like a letterhead as it does on the Internet. This may require some variations to make it comparable. If a logo on the Internet uses a transparent background, make sure that the logo is reproduced in any type of background. If it does not, it may be necessary to develop a standard color as a background.

Make sure that the logo is legible in all forms of production. Not all types of fonts are so easy to read. Thin fonts will be difficult to read in small print, while a large, wide font will be difficult to reproduce as a small image without losing legibility.

Consider the number of elements. Complex designs are not only harder to reproduce, but also visually denser. Because a design with many visual elements requires more time to be processed visually by the person, the instant appeal is lost.

Determine if the logo can stand the test of time. A good logo should incorporate classic lines and elements, instead of symbols that represent current trends or fashions.

Analyze the graphic elements independently of the text elements if you can not accurately determine the problem. Consider whether the individual elements portray the appearance of the corporate image. If an item does not fit, it could confuse the entire logo.

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