Coca Cola Sponsorship

Cocacola Sponsorship

Getting sponsors for your event or organization can help you obtain funds for equipment, supplies, uniforms and anything you need. Large corporations function as sponsors to show their support for a particular social or economic cause and as a way to promote the company’s name and products. According to the guidelines presented by Coca-Cola Company, you can ensure company sponsorship if your organization, event or cause, fits your social responsibility commitment or your promotional and marketing strategies.

Coca Cola Sponsorship Proposal

  • Go to the official Coca-Cola information page. At the top of the page click on the “Contact Us” tab. A new page will load.
  • Locate and click on the “Frequently Asked Questions” tab on the left side of the page.
  • Click on “Sponsorships” once the new page loads.
  • Read the first question titled “What does Coca-Cola Company sponsor” to find out if you qualify to be sponsored by Coca-Cola.
  • Write a detailed proposal about your organization or event, once you determine that it matches the sponsorship requirements established by Coca-Cola. If it is an organization, include its name, its location and its objective. It summarizes specifically what the funds will be used for and who they will benefit from. It includes a detailed list of supplies, equipment, services and other items that will be purchased with the funds. If it is an event, it provides detailed information about the type of event it is, how many people will attend and the date, time and place where it will be held.
  • Send your proposal to Coca-Cola Company. The address mentioned on the website for sending sponsorship proposals is: Industry and Consumer Affairs, The Coca-Cola Company, DUN 500, PO Box 1734, Atlanta, GA 30301.
  • Wait four to six weeks for Coca-Cola to respond to your proposal. If you have questions before receiving an answer, contact them through the contact number or address mentioned on the company’s website.