How to contact companies for sponsorship

An organization can contact sponsorship companies for a variety of causes. Business sponsorships can help a new company emerge or provide a sports team with the team. In the media industry, television producers may require business sponsorships to launch a pilot series. Although there is no established formula for requesting business support, an official and elaborate approach helps increase the chances of mutually beneficial collaboration.

Business Development List

Make a list of the companies that complement the organization, group or initiative. For example, a soccer team can make a list of companies that sell sports products, trophies or equipment. Business owners can carefully consider sponsorship applications while viewing careful preparation.

Get the name, address, email and contact information of the main decision makers. The key in decision making can be administrators, directors or owners. Research the company’s websites, or call the company and request this information.

Organize your contact information list in a database. This can be used more than once for future requests. Take the time to use a spreadsheet program that is easy to access and update.

Sponsorship Request Team

Summarize your goals and initiatives, and why you ask to be sponsored. Does your team need new uniforms? Do you have an existing business looking for a partner to expand marketing initiatives? Do you need donations or financial support? What will you exchange in exchange for the privilege of being sponsored by this company? Regardless of the objective of sponsorship, be clear and concise about the nature of the application and how companies can benefit from sponsorship, such as earning additional marketing exposure or obtaining tax incentives.

Develop a media team. This package may include organizational biography, press releases, fact sheets, newsletters and brochures. Media teams add credibility to the cause or company requesting sponsorship and can increase the likelihood of obtaining a favorable response.

Write a sponsorship application with the objectives and initiatives outlined above. If the company receiving the request is familiar with the key partners, then this should be understood as a continuation and includes the contact’s name as a reference. In a new investigation, include a brief introduction about the organization and common interests before applying for sponsorship. For example, “We are a local school dedicated to providing preparatory curriculum for the university in a safe learning environment. As a provider of local school uniforms, we have observed how they have also expressed their passion to help young people in our community excel.” Ask for help, and include contact information or a business card in the letter.

Sponsorship request distribution

Print and organize the sponsorship request letter and the media team. Make enough packages to request from all selected companies. Create PDF files and text versions of these documents if there is no physical or email address available.

Distribute media teams. If you use postal services, use a two to three day shipment for best results. If the company does not have an email address or key managers specifically do not want to apply by mail, consider leaving the package in person or via email.

Get in touch with the company after distributing the letter and email. If the sponsorship request is sent through postal services, wait five to six business days before calling the company representative about sponsorship. Follow the distribution of email after three to five business days.

Follow up with a thank you letter or postcards. Even if the company decides not to become a sponsor, it always thanks all the participants for their time and consideration. They may become sponsors in the future, and this gesture leaves the communication channels open.


Although media teams can be distributed over the Internet and email, studies show that companies respond to direct mail better than email. Deliver the package in person or through a courier service, such as the United States Postal Service.

Requesting a response date is a good idea, especially if the sponsorship program is time sensitive. Always leave between two to four months to organize a first agreement.