How to write a donation or sponsorship request

The request for money for a person or organization can be uncomfortable although it is a necessity for many non-profit organizations or for the opening of business. The sponsors of your community receive many sponsorship requests so you have to make a concise and even informative application. When you clarify the merit of your cause and the benefits to the philanthropist, develop a sponsorship that can be fully trusted.

How to write a donation or sponsorship request

Learn about the company’s philosophy or the current list of donations and sponsorships so you can see where the project comes from.

Use the company name for your request. When you use it, show that you have the authority to request a donation and that it is legitimate.

Direct your request in writing to the person in charge of sponsorships and donations.

Make the correct format of the letter. The formal design of the letter requires that you write your address in the right corner and the recipient’s address below on the left side. Write the date below this on the right and below the date, on the left write a formal greeting.

Be clear Start your letter with one or two statements of who you are and what you ask. For example, “My name is Jane Doe and I am writing to the name of the Children’s Home Association.”

Explain the participation of your company and yours in the community as well as your philosophy. For example, “CHA has helped children in need in the Memphis area for 25 years and is committed to being present in this community in the future.”

Indicate how the company can request money from your relationship with your own business. For example, “CHA has seen how Mike’s Bike Shop has encouraged children to be increasingly active in physical appearance and to enjoy external activities in the area.”

Give the company or individually the vital information about your event, such as day, date, time and purpose. For example, “As here in CHA we begin to plan our annual marathon, we see that there may be an opportunity for our organizations to work together. Since each year our event is in the name of _____.

Ask for the amount of money or donation. “This year, we are requesting your participation in this event to make it a success. A donation of US $ 200 or a team sponsorship to help us continue working in our youth area.”

Tell the company or the person how sponsorship can benefit you. For example, “In return, we will print our informational brochures and put you on the list of one of our sponsors on our shirts. If you help us with an advertising banner for your company, we will be happy to show it at the event as well.

Add a deadline so you can continue with your planning. Make your request at least six months before the event so you can budget and print the deadlines and include a date on which the company must respond to your request. Give them a minimum of two weeks to respond.

Commit to calling regularly. Let the contact person know you through phone calls along with more information and talk about the collaboration.

Finish the letter with a respectful and optimistic message like “I look forward to working with you in the future” and sign your name and your position.


Use your networking skills to find contact names as well as an “entry” in the company. If you can say “Lisa Anderson gave me your name”, you are saying that you have someone who answers you and your request is more serious.


Do not limit yourself. It includes a specific request but leaves a space for a counter offer by the company. For example, if you ask for money for a restaurant, be open to receive gift certificates or merchandise to make raffles.