Duplicate Check vs Single Check – What Are They?

What Are Duplicate Checks?

The main difference between single checks and duplicate checks is that individual checks are the single page checks that do not require a carbon copy, while duplicate checks are those that have a carbon copy below the original check.

Single checks vs. duplicate checks

When you open a checking account at a bank, you have to choose from a wide variety of checks. You can select the color, font and layout etc. Furthermore, you can also choose between Single and duplicate checks. Both single and duplicate checks perform the same task, that is, payment from your checking account. But they have some differences. Single checks are the wide variety of single page checks that do not require a carbon copy, i.e. they do not have duplicates, while duplicate checks are checks that have a carbon copy below the original check. left behind if a single check has been lost, on the other hand, in case of loss of a duplicate check, there is evidence left behind in the form of a duplicate copy. In the case of a single check, the writer does not need to press hard against the paper, on the other hand, the writer has to press hard against the top check in case of duplicate check to allow duplication. The checkbook for individual checks is less bulky; it is more voluminous in case of duplicate checks as a result of the double number of pages. Also, duplicate checks are more expensive than individual checks.

Comparison between Single Checks vs Duplicate Checks

Single Checks Duplicate Checks
A type of check that comes on individual pages without any duplicates is known as a single check. A type of check that comes with a carbon copy underneath the original check is known as a duplicate check.
Carbon Paper
Single checks do not require the use of carbon paper. Duplicate checks require the use of carbon paper.
Duplicate Copy
No evidence or duplicate copy is left in case of loss of a single check. In case of loss of a duplicate check, evidence remains in the form of a duplicate copy.
How to write?
In the case of a single check, the issuer does not need to press hard against the paper while writing a check. The writer has to press hard against the top check in case of a duplicate check to allow for duplication.
Check book
The checkbook for Single checks is less bulky. It is more voluminous in case of duplicate checks as a result of the double number of pages.
Number of checks
There are a large number of individual checks per box. Duplicate checks are always less in a box than individual checks because checkbooks are thicker for duplicate checks.
Individual checks have a low price. Duplicate checks are expensive.

What are Single checks ?

A single check is a type of check that comes in the form of individual pages without any duplicates. An exchange made using this check cannot be finalized in situations where the check is lost or broken. His checkbook contained exclusively the paper checks that are used to deliver to the next individual. The downside of this type of check is that once you’ve written it, you don’t have any extra physical records in your checkbook regarding the amount or who it was written to. It is planned to use single checks with a check register. Every time you write a check, you must record the measure of the fee. The checkbook for individual checks is less bulky and holds multiple checks per box. Plus, individual checks are low in price.

What are duplicate checks?

A type of check that comes with a carbon copy underneath the original check is known as a duplicate check. This makes it very easy to see who you paid, when, and how much without requesting a duplicate from the bank, the registry, or logging into the registry on the web. When you need a copy of a check, carbon paper is placed under the check. The writer has to press hard against the top mark to allow duplication. Give a duplicate of each check. When the verification is done, the data is easily swapped to the duplicate structure below. The checkbook is bulkier in case of duplicate checks as a result of the double number of pages. Duplicate checks are always less in a box than individual checks because checkbooks are thicker for duplicate checks. Also, they are more expensive than individual checks.

Key differences between Single and Duplicate check

  1. A type of check that comes on individual pages without any duplicates is known as a single check, while a type of check that comes with a carbon copy below the original check is known as a duplicate check.
  2. Individual checks do not require the use of carbon paper; on the other hand; Duplicate checks require the use of carbon paper.
  3. No evidence or duplicate copy is left in case of loss of a single check, on the contrary, in case of loss of a duplicate check, evidence is left in the form of a duplicate copy.
  4. In the case of a single check, the writer does not need to press hard against the paper while writing a check on the back; the writer has to press hard against the top check in case of duplicate check to allow duplication.
  5. The checkbook for individual checks is less bulky; on the other hand, the checkbook is more voluminous in case of duplicate checks as a result of the double number of pages.
  6. There are a lot of individual checks per box while; Duplicate checks are always less in a box than individual checks because checkbooks are thicker for duplicate checks.
  7. Individual checks are cheap on the other hand; Duplicate checks are expensive.


From the discussion above, it is summarized that single checks are the checks that do not have duplicates and are less expensive, while duplicate checks are the checks together with the duplicate copy and are more expensive.