How to count money

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Money moves the social interactions of the modern world. With the invention of paper money, people are able to carry large amounts of cash to buy what they need. Carrying cash requires you to count before you spend it to make sure you are delivering the correct amount. It is important to be able to count money quickly and accurately. There are many different methods for counting money, and people from different regions of the world have unique counting methods.

How to count money

The system you must use to count your money depends on the approximate amount of money you need to count and the value of the tickets you have. Before you start counting, choose a number to which you will take the count. This number is usually a multiple of 10. For example, use 1000 if your money consists mainly of hundred-dollar bills and fifty-dollar bills, 100 if it’s twenty-ten bills, and 10 if it’s five and some.

Classify the bills of the same monetary value. You can keep all these together in a pile or separate them into stacks of different values. Organize these groups for the same value.

To count the amount of money in each collection of groups of the same value, divide the number you have chosen to count up to the value of the ticket. For example, if you are counting ten dollar bills and have chosen to count to 100, the number you will remember is 10. Divide the group of bills into stacks of 10. Each stack represents $ 100, which is easy to add mentally.

Repeat this process with each group of the same value, using different powers of 10. For all the leftovers that do not easily reach the power of 10, leave them in a new stack where you will collect the next power of 10 lower.

Now you must know how many sets of US$ 1,000, US$ 100, US $10 and US$ 1 you have. The incorporation of these numbers is simple in the standard decimal system.


Count the highest value tickets first. Instead of physically dividing the money into separate piles, store it in a pile and use your fingers to separate different sections of it.

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