What is the restoration of the rights of minors?


Minors have special and reinforced protection from the State. Reason why, when your rights are violated, there are special procedures to restore them. You might also be interested in: Human Rights What is the process of reinstating the rights of minors? It is a fundamental instrument that seeks to comply with the special protection of … Read more


Human rights


The following article is intended to point you to some basic but very important questions about human rights. You might also be interested in: Rights of the elderly, Rights of victims What are human rights? When speaking of human rights, reference is being made to the freedoms, powers and rights of which one is possessed … Read more


Victims’ rights


Unfortunately we live in a society in which criminal acts are becoming more frequent, leaving millions of victims with a large number of physical, psychological and economic consequences. What about the victims of these crimes? What are the rights of the victims? You might also be interested in: Human Rights Do victims have special rights? … Read more


Rights of the elderly


Third age is a stage of life that begins at age 62 and that makes this group of people subjects of special constitutional protection, that is, full compliance with all the rights established in the constitution is required and, therefore In itself, all the resources destined to improve their living conditions must be made available … Read more