How to Find who owns a Phone Number

There are many pages of online number identification services on the Internet. These are directories that collect phone numbers and their owners. Therefore, if you have a missed call that you do not identify, you can write the phone number that called you to find out who it belongs to. To find out who owns … Read more


Steve Jobs


Steve Paul Jobs (San Francisco, 1955 – Palo Alto, California, 2011) was a prominent American computer scientist and entrepreneur. Creator of the first personal computer and founder of Apple Computer, an innovative company in the computing sector. He was characterized by having visionary ideas in the field of personal computers, mobile phones and digital music. … Read more


Types of Web Browser

The most used browsers are those that are easy to use, and also have great speed. But what is a browser? It is a specific program that allows you to access and browse the Internet to view pages, documents, among other files, thanks to the previous interpretation that you make of these. The first browser … Read more


New technologies for personnel selection

Technology has transformed the entire recruitment and job search program, for better or worse, in the administration of human resources . For recruiters and hiring administrators, it is easier than ever to find candidates that fit your company’s niche skills or even influence applicants who may not be looking for work quickly. Job seekers even … Read more


Brief digital marketing guide for 2020 publishers

The digital revolution has also reached the publishing sector, and it is increasingly common to exchange the paper book for the digital book. Publishers must adapt to the new times, leave static websites behind and bet on a digital marketing strategy that allows them to compete with other publishers, however great they may be. If … Read more


What is Skype for business and how does it work?

We all know Skype thanks to the way in which it has connected us with many people anywhere in the world. However, given the growing demand for international connections in the workplace, meetings, conferences and information exchange, in which executives from their roles demand direct and fluid communication despite not being in the same place, … Read more


E-learning: what is it, features and most used learning platforms

What is e-learning? E-learning It is a teaching model that promotes access to knowledge through digital platforms or environments. Although e-learning is usually associated with distance learning, for some authors these are two different modalities. The e-learning it necessarily requires the use of information and communication technologies (ICT), while distance learning can do without them. … Read more


The 20 best educational gamification applications

Learning has always been a challenge for people. There are those who acquire knowledge in a simpler and faster way, but there are also those who cost them a little more. Therefore, there are different academic strategies that somehow seek to facilitate the learning process, whether in children, youth or adults. One of the most … Read more


What is gamification? Real applications and examples

The game is much more than a form of fun, as neuroscience has shown. It has been discovered that it is a very useful resource for learning not only for children but also for adults. The game, used in the right way, offers a different way of learning and can bring benefits not only at … Read more


What a CRM software and what is it for? Advantages, types and examples

As an integral part of the digital transformation, customer relationship management software represents a standard of business efficiency. Due to its current importance, in this article we will discuss what a CRM is and what it is for, its advantages, types and what you can expect with the implementation in your business. What is a … Read more


How To Sound Like A Girl On Skype


Skype is a good instant messaging client that gives us the possibility of making calls between users to start a more direct conversation than if we did it through text. Three application to change your voice on Skype If you are thinking of giving a different touch to your conversations, playing a joke or simply … Read more


How to buy bitcoins – Tutorial for beginners

Participating in something new can be fun and exciting. However, the new commitments also involve a lot of study, and the same thing happens to enter the world of digital currencies. When people think of buying bitcoin, they do not realize that it is not a complete unit, but that it is divisible and you … Read more


8 Best free CRM for Entrepreneurs

Knowing the benefits of the best free CRMs can be essential for small businesses and freelancers looking to be more efficient with their customers at the lowest possible cost. That is why we have prepared this list with the best free CMR software in Spanish and English. Although choosing the best free CRM is not … Read more


How to call with an Android voice change application

Voice change applications provide you with a way to make calls by changing your voice. Some of them register your voice first and send it to the recipient. Others are able to change your voice in real time as the call is in progress. Voice Changer Plus Enter a number to call on the main … Read more


How to find a free cell phone number

Although cell phone numbers are still considered private information and are not found through guidance services, many of them have been leaked on websites and on Internet databases and you can check them if you know where to look. According to the Federal Communications Commission, using a cell phone number for telemarketing purposes is an … Read more


Most important landmarks in internet history

Today we do not conceive a day without using the Internet. Since we got up we used the smartphone to send WhatsApp messages, emails, check social networks and even to make the purchase of the supermarket. However, a few decades ago it was not so simple or so affordable for everyone. The arrival of the … Read more


How to recover items on your Android clipboard

Mobile devices are useful for performing work-related tasks while travelling, but it can be difficult to figure out how to use them for the first time if you are used to using a computer. Android can cut, copy and paste text, and just like a computer, the operating system transfers the data to the clipboard. … Read more


Hacks to get faster streaming video and avoid endless buffering


Internet streaming can be the future of television. Moreover, during a talk in Berlin, Reed Hastings said that in 2020 he expects internet television to surpass traditional television. We are already seeing the reality of that change: Internet services such as Claro Video or Netflix are emerging as viable options for consumers who want a little more versatility … Read more


How to mute group text messages on Android and iOS

Group text messages are excellent because they allow you to talk to several people at once while on the go, especially when you don’t have an Internet connection and can’t use a dedicated chat application like Hangouts. However, sometimes group chats can get too out of control and you may want to silence all notifications … Read more